Sunday, September 12, 2010

Birthday Time!

Yes, it's September 12, my birthday. I don't make this statement in a bid for attention, I've just been thinking on the topic a bit lately. Really, this is the least interesting birthday I can recall ever having (granted, I'm only 5 minutes into it at this point), but it's arrived with no fanfare. I have no social plans. I'll probably spend my day leisurely cleaning up my apartment from the mess vacation packing created, watch some NFL football, go see Resident Evil: Afterlife, and play a shit-ton of Starcraft 2. Oh, I do need to finish my Hydrophobia preview, so there will be a small amount of "work" in my day, but I intend to relax and enjoy the fact that I don't have to work. I guess that ain't so bad, right?

x360a's GSL Season 9 has started, and I'm on the perfect team, i.e. the one that couldn't care less about posting big scores or winning. If I drop 5k over the course of the competition I'd be amazed. I'm just in it for the chance to party chat and hang out with a few new folks, and hopefully expand my gamer clique a little bit. My opening "salvo" of achievement points will come from Aliens vs Predator and Beyonetta, which I have from Gamefly. There may also be some Bioshock achievements in there and a sprinkling of other stuff (plus Halo Reach on Tues.) if I can tear myself away from Starcraft long enough to score anything. Seriously, Starcraft 2 kicks ass. Easily worth every penny of my $60, and I'm likely to long hundreds of hours in this bad-boy before all is said and done.

I need games with such vast replayability, as I'm making an announcement: Until further notice, I am not buying ANY new retail games.* (DLC and XBLA titles do not apply. The other exception is Final Fantasy XIV which was pre-planned, and marks the cutoff). Within the last month, I've purchased a camcorder, new laptop, and $140 worth of new PC games. My "fun money" is tapped out for a while, and I'm limiting my entertainment budget to Netflix (3 discs + Bluray), Gamefly (2 games) and FFXIV's $13 a month subscription fee. When you think about it, that's still a hell of a lot of entertainment for about the price of ONE new retail game every month. I may be slimming down my budget (to pay off said big purchases and start saving up cash again) but I don't feel like I'm really giving up anything in this arrangement. I still have a steady pipeline of fresh games and movies.

If there's any other Starcraft 2 players who read this blog, search my character, conveniently named ThrawnOmega. I'd love to have some people to play with online.

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