Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sudden Points Explosion

I'm not in a GSL anymore (and the more I think of it, the more sure I am that I'm retiring from those), and I've been pursuing my Hit List of tougher completions, so scoring a decent amount of points in a single day simply hasn't happened for a while. Today though, my gamerscore saw a nice bump.

As I predicted a few posts back, I've reached the point in Magna Carta where the points are really starting to pile on. I earned all but two of the achievements for maxing out a character's combat style, for a total of 300 points. Learning a co-op technique provided another 20, for a grand total of 320 in Magna Carta today.

Continuing on, my brother and I got further into our Professional playthrough of Army of Two, and I picked up 30 points for 50 co-op riot shield kills. We then completed the achievements in borderlands for the 3 small tournaments, and the big one in The Gully (net 35 points). My brother was also kind enough to help me out with a couple achievements in Madagascar Kartz, which are easy to obtain with two people but impossible to do alone (net 50 points). Creech invited me to a quick match of Warhammer Battlemarch and 5 minutes later I have 15 points for winning a 2v2 game.

So, my various gaming adventures have led to 450 points today, and there's still a little life left in the evening yet. It feels kind of strange to put that many points down when I haven't even been thinking about numerical increase.

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