Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Blog!

+10,000 Awesome points to Bionik Kommando for noticing BEFORE I even had the magic birthday post up.

Yes, today marks the first anniversary of the most prolific achievement blog on the internet (I think... the internet is a big place). It's been a fantastic year, with 193 total posts, giving me an average of one post every two days. Now that's consistency! It's been fun commenting on achievements, gaming, and other randomness, all of which have earned me a small (but very consistent and faithful) readership of about 60 people a day. All that has generated over 12,000 hits for the year. Thank you all!

I've had a blast writing special topics when I have time, and will certainly do more of them in the coming year, as well as more episodes of ThrawnOmega predicts the future. Every established blog feature will continue, and I'm toying the idea of having some more guest posts. Remember that short-lived gem that was the "Ask Silva" column? Maybe I can get Silva back for a monthly or bi-monthly episode. There's a few other people I'm planning on getting in contact with for features.

What would you like to see in the coming year? I'm always open to suggestions.

Year 2 will see the escapades of the Hand of Thrawn Boosting Alliance, more Video Blogs, and more. With a minimum of 150 posts coming (this is #1), you can look forward to at least 10 quality posts =P

Thanks again for making this so much fun. To show my appreciation, I'm going to have another video blog up around Christmas time.


  1. You've definitely been the best with writing consistent posts for your blog, it's been great fun reading all you have to say.

  2. Thanks for making the bog so entertaining, keep it up Thrawn!
